Half of Year 2012 is over, and now it is time to generate my
mid-year financial report for 2012 (Jan 12 to Jun 12)
My Passive Incomes:
The above table shows the
total for each of my passive incomes collected from Jan 12 to Jun 12. For my
passive incomes, I have managed to collect a total of $8435. If include the realised gain of $3120 from selling some of my shares, the total extra incomes for the
first half of year 2012 will be $11555, which is
about $1925 per month.
My Monthly Expenses:
The above table shows my
total monthly expenses. There are not many changes since the beginning of the
year. I am still following my old rule to keep my expenses as low as possible
by not spending money on the things that I will not need.
My debt:
As for my only outstanding debt from my housing loan, it has reduced
from $14000 (Jan 12) to $8000 (Jun 12).